Thanks so much for your interest in better singing for students of your school!

As you may have noticed, the world of learning singing is quite different than learning other instruments. Teaching singing is even harder – especially when it comes to learning popular singing styles like pop, rock, R&B, musical theatre, which is most of us! This difficulty of teaching and learning is why so many voice teachers fail to keep voice students long-term: it’s just too difficult for voice students to understand if and how they’re progressing and if they’re getting their money’s worth.

We found every aspiring singers struggle achieving their singing goals quickly. They often have one big goal, but don’t know the smaller goals to get there. Ours is the ONLY program in North America focused on pop voice that steps up quickly with smaller goals. Choose a stream from beginner, intermediate, or advanced, while measuring your progress. It includes free online practice scales, and wholesale cost lesson books for resale! Students also earn achievement certificates at the end of each lesson book level. While the school pays our minimal licensing fee, the program is free for your current students, and ONLY available at your school. The Program has been used by award winning singers. We are available 7 days a week to give support when you need!

The Singer’s Edge Program is designed from the ground up specifically for music schools to increase retention in students interested in learning popular singing styles. It is the only program of its kind in the world. In our schools, it has doubled and tripled voice student retention, and has been a vital step in winning us awards year after year. The system has been simplified over the years to be even easier to use than ever.

Our license includes:

  • Over 100 online practice scales, that are easy-to-use for students, making homework simple and easy. Unlimited access for your teachers and students! No more will students guess what to do for homework!
  • Exclusive lesson book ordering at wholesale prices for resale in your schools. Unlicensed schools cannot order our program lesson books.
  • Radius competitor blocking so other schools in your area cannot purchase a license for our program. Give yourself the ‘edge’ over your most hated competitors. Note that we may be to grant you a license if you are blocked.
  • Teacher certification quiz for your teachers (optional and not suggested for contracted teachers) with printable certificates.
  • Student achievement certificates that are earned at the end of each of our 4 lesson books.
  • Adaptable learning for any level of singer, any age, with beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, to be easily configured and customized for any student.
  • Use our copy and branding on your websites and in your newsletters to bring more students to your school and increase conversions
  • Voice teacher resource page including comprehensive quick start video series for teachers, and other resources
  • Owner or office only access for accessing licensing information, and ordering books and program materials.

The program cost is $99/mo. The program is currently discounted to $50/mo for early release for as long as you stay enrolled,

There 2 steps to the Singer’s Edge Program™ launch at your school:

  1. Complete purchase by vising:
    • Sign the license agreement
    • On next page, click “sign up now” for the music school license
    • On the left where it says coupon, type “50”
    • At the bottom, you will see the adjusted recurring total to $50 a month.
    • Click proceed to checkout and enter your details to complete purchase
    • At this point, you your email will have been used to assign your own login and you (or your office staff if you prefer) will be the only people with a unique login to purchase products for the program. To login, follow the instructions in the email sent to you, or do a password reset.
  2. Visit:, and book an owner orientation call on our toll-free line. You will be shown where to access scripts for your office staff to help them sell the program more effectively to your students and teachers. We will also discuss how to launch the program with your teachers.

That’s all for now! I am so looking forward to helping you, your teachers, and your students find even more success with their singing so they return to you for years to come.  I look forward to it!